Look out for the Darwin team, sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 11-16 in Portland, Oregon. Continue reading Darwin Goes to Ocean Sciences 2018
Tag Archives: Dutkiewicz
A More Diverse Role for Diatoms
Helen Hill | Darwin Project
A review article involving Stephanie Dutkiewicz and Oliver Jahn suggests the diatoms have more diverse roles in carbon cycling than previously understood. Continue reading A More Diverse Role for Diatoms
What you Can Do With a Really Rather Realistic Ocean Model
Helen Hill | Darwin Project
It’s been a decade since the inception of the MIT Darwin Project, an alliance between physical oceanographers, biogeochemists and marine microbiologists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The goal of Darwin remains to couple state of the art physical models of global ocean circulation with biogeochemistry and genome-informed models of microbial processes to understand the interplay between different elements of the marine ecosystem leading to observed balances between physiology and the marine environment. Continue reading What you Can Do With a Really Rather Realistic Ocean Model
Plankton can save the ocean. But who will save the plankton?
Read this post by Lauren Hinkel via Oceans@MIT
When it comes to climate change and the oceans, MIT Principal Research Scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz weighs in on why it’s not just warming oceans we need to worry about. Plankton — that are crucial for carbon sequestration and oxygen production — have been discovered behaving strangely, but they may point the way to better geoengineering and understanding of trends in marine populations and ecology.
Dutkiewicz’s research examines how the physics and chemistry of the ocean determines phytoplankton biogeography, and how in turn those organisms affect their environment.
Read her comments in New Scientist.
Digital Ocean
Modeling the diverse world of phytoplankton opens up a predictive view of our own. MIT’s Spectrum Magazine spotlight’s the Darwin Project. Continue reading Digital Ocean
Song, H., J. Marshall, M.J. Follows, S. Dutkiewicz, and G. Forget. Source waters for the highly productive Patagonian shelf in the southwestern Atlantic. Journal of Marine Systems – early online edition.
Darwin Goes to Ocean Sciences 2016
Look out for the Darwin team, sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 21-26 in New Orleans, Louisianna. Continue reading Darwin Goes to Ocean Sciences 2016
Ocean acidification may cause dramatic changes to phytoplankton
Study led by principal research scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz finds many species may die out and others may migrate significantly as ocean acidification intensifies. Continue reading Ocean acidification may cause dramatic changes to phytoplankton
Dutkiewicz, S., J.J. Morris, M.J. Follows, J. Scott, O. Levitan, S.T. Dyhrman, and I. Berman-Frank, 2015, Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Structure of Future Phytoplankton Communities. Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/nclimate2722
2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Darwin researchers Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Jonathen Lauderdale, David Talmy, and Darcy Taniguchi are off to Granada, Spain this month to attend the the Association of the Sciences of Limnology, and Oceanography (ASLO) 2015 annual meeting taking place from 22-27 February. Continue reading 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting