
Darwin Welcomes Research Scientist Mukund Gupta

A warm Darwin-welcome to Mukund Gupta who recently joined the group.

Mukund, who defended his doctoral thesis in April 2020, has broad interests in climate science and physical oceanography. He says work on the ocean carbon pump around Antarctica he undertook with Mick during his PhD, fostered his interest in biogeochemical cycles.

Now back working with Mick, Mukund is analyzing output from Darwin model numerical simulations looking at nutrient fluxes in the Pacific subtropical gyre, trying to understand the role of mesoscale eddies in supplying nutrients to the euphotic zone.

For his undergraduate degree, Mukund studied mechanical engineering at Cambridge University in the UK. His doctoral thesis “Climate Response to Perturbations: Role of Ocean and Sea Ice” was advised by John Marshall, in EAPS at MIT.

Story image: When he’s not hard at work analyzing Darwin output, Mukund says he enjoys woodworking, a new hobby since the start of the pandemic.


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