
Welcome to New Postdoc Zhen Wu

A warm welcome to incoming postdoc Dr Zhen Wu who joins the MIT Darwin Project as part of the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE.)

by Helen Hill for the MIT Darwin Project

Wu is a biogeochemist interested in the mechanisms through which marine ecosystem and physical and biogeochemical processes interact in the ocean. He joins the MIT group to work with Mick Follows on characterization and modeling of the functional and taxonomic biogeography of plankton in the ocean. In particular, he is looking forward to developing mechanistic and mathematical models as well as  simple theoretical frameworks with which to interpret and simulate the growth of plankton populations and their relative fitness under different nutrient supply conditions

Wu comes to MIT having recently finished a PhD in environmental science with Dr Yong Liu at Peking University, China. His doctoral research was focused on eutrophication and biogeochemical dynamics especially nutrient cycling in lakes using a model-based N:P stoichiometric approach.

While trying to uncover the underlying biogeochemical mechanism driving eutrophication in lakes Wu says he became increasingly interested in the underlying biogeochemical processes within lakes and the ocean and how these processes impact phytoplankton in aquatic ecosystems.

Story image: When he’s not thinking about nutrient cycling, Zhen Wu enjoys swimming and skiing. He says he also likes to cook, especially Chinese dishes to share with friends – Photo credit: Helen Hill