Congratulations to Darwin Project’s Emily Zakem who successfully defended her doctoral dissertation Linking Microbes and Climate: Insights into the Marine Oxygen and Nitrogen Cycles with Microbial Metabolic Functional Types on March 24. Continue reading Darwin Celebrates Emily’s Doctoral Defense
Tag Archives: Zakem
New study sets oxygen-breathing limit for ocean’s hardiest organisms.
Graduate Student Emily Zakem and advisor Mick Follows find bacteria can survive in marine environments that are almost completely starved of oxygen. Continue reading New study sets oxygen-breathing limit for ocean’s hardiest organisms.
Darwin Goes to Ocean Sciences 2016
Look out for the Darwin team, sharing their work at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 21-26 in New Orleans, Louisianna. Continue reading Darwin Goes to Ocean Sciences 2016
Darwin goes to Ocean Sciences 2014
Leaving the cold of a New England February behind, the Darwin team will be in full attendance at this year’s Ocean Sciences conference taking place February 23-28 in Honolulu, Hawaii.