Vinitha Ebenezer, Yingyu Hu, Olga Carnicer, Andrew J. Irwin, Michael J. Follows, Zoe V. Finkel (2022), Elemental and macromolecular composition of the marine Chloropicophyceae, a major group of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes, Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.12013 Continue reading Elemental and macromolecular composition of the marine Chloropicophyceae, a major group of oceanic photosynthetic picoeukaryotes

A Systems Level Approach to Biogeography
Microbial simulations bridge the gap between the molecular and ecosystem scales.
A new CBIOMES paper presents, for the first time, an interpretation of observed, strain-level, basin-scale biogeography using genome-scale modeling of cellular metabolism, physiology, and fitness. Continue reading A Systems Level Approach to Biogeography
Daniel Muratore, Angela K. Boysen, Matthew J. Harke, Kevin W. Becker, John R. Casey et al (2022), Complex marine microbial communities partition metabolism of scarce resources over the diel cycle, Nature Ecology & Evolution, doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01606-w Continue reading Complex marine microbial communities partition metabolism of scarce resources over the diel cycle

Plankton’s Place
According to CBIOMES researchers, predator interactions chiefly determine where Prochlorococcus thrive – a finding that may help researchers hone predictions for where phytoplankton will migrate with climate change. Continue reading Plankton’s Place

Darwin Welcomes Research Scientist Barbara Duckworth
A warm Darwin-welcome to Barbara (Barbie) Duckworth who recently joined the group to work with Chris Follet. Continue reading Darwin Welcomes Research Scientist Barbara Duckworth

Darwin Goes to COP26
Darwin member, postdoc Deepa Rao, traveled to Glasgow, Scotland earlier this month in her role as a member of the MIT delegation to the international climate conference.
Continue reading Darwin Goes to COP26
Bardon, L. R., Ward, B. A., Dutkiewicz, S., & Cael, B. B. (2021), Testing the skill of a species distribution model using a 21st-century virtual ecosystem, Geophysical Research Letters, doi: 10.1029/2021GL093455 Continue reading Testing the skill of a species distribution model using a 21st-century virtual ecosystem

Darwin Welcomes Simons Postdoctoral Fellow Stephanie Anderson
A warm Darwin-welcome to Stephanie Anderson who recently joined the group to work with Stephanie Dutkiewicz. Continue reading Darwin Welcomes Simons Postdoctoral Fellow Stephanie Anderson
Peipei Wu, Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Erwan Monier, and Yanxu Zhang (2021), Bottom-Heavy Trophic Pyramids Impair Methylmercury Biomagnification in the Marine Plankton Ecosystems, Environmental Science & Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.1c04083 Continue reading Bottom-Heavy Trophic Pyramids Impair Methylmercury Biomagnification in the Marine Plankton Ecosystems
Anderson, S.I., Barton, A.D., Clayton, S., and S. Dutkiewicz (2021), Marine phytoplankton functional types exhibit diverse responses to thermal change, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26651-8 Continue reading Marine phytoplankton functional types exhibit diverse responses to thermal change