Technique developed by MIT-CBIOMES investigators could aid in tracking the ocean’s health and productivity. Continue reading Machine learning helps map global ocean communities

Technique developed by MIT-CBIOMES investigators could aid in tracking the ocean’s health and productivity. Continue reading Machine learning helps map global ocean communities
Observations suggest diazotrophs like Crocosphaera and Trichodesmium pay for their ability to fix nitrogen with a very low growth rate, yet diatom-diazotroph associations or DDAs exhibit high growth rates. CBIOMES postdoctoral fellow Chris Follett and co-authors use a cell flux model to test the hypothesis that diatom-diazotroph associations or DDAs grow faster than unpaired diazotrophs because the diatoms in DDAs provide organic carbon to their diazotroph guests that boost their growth rate. Continue reading Fellow Travelers
Committing to aggressive conservation efforts could rebuild ocean habitats and species populations in a few decades. Continue reading 3 Questions: Greg Britten on how marine life can recover by 2050
In the austral summer season of December 2017 – February 2018, Deepa Rao participated in the NSF funded CICLOPS cruise to explore cobalamin and iron co-limitation of phytoplankton species in Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica. Continue reading Antarctic Marine Microbes Need Their Multivitamins
Darwin Project study led by Jonathan Lauderdale finds Earth’s oceans contain just the right amount of iron; adding more may not improve their ability to absorb carbon dioxide. Continue reading Seeding Oceans with Iron may not Impact Climate Change
reporting by Helen Hill
In a new paper, MIT-CBIOMES investigator Stephanie Dutkiewicz and collaborators use the Darwin ecosystem model to develop theories seeking to explain and predict phytoplankton biogeography.
Continue reading Exploring Phytoplankton Diversity
Keisuke Inomura, Christopher L. Follett, Takako Masuda, Meri Eichner, Ondřej Prášil and Curtis Deutsch (2020), Carbon Transfer from the Host Diatom Enables Fast Growth and High Rate of N2 Fixation by Symbiotic Heterocystous Cyanobacteria, Plants, doi: 10.3390/plants9020192 Continue reading Carbon Transfer from the Host Diatom Enables Fast Growth and High Rate of N2 Fixation by Symbiotic Heterocystous Cyanobacteria
IOCCG (2020), Synergy between Ocean Colour and Biogeochemical/Ecosystem Models. Dutkiewicz, S. (ed.), IOCCG Report Series, No. 19, International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group, Dartmouth, Canada, doi: 10.25607/OBP-711 Continue reading Synergy between Ocean Colour and Biogeochemical/ Ecosystem Models
A.M. Kuhn, S. Dutkiewicz, O. Jahn, S. Clayton, T.A. Rynearson, M.R. Mazloff, A.D. Barton (2019), Temporal and spatial scales of correlation in marine phytoplankton communities, JGR Oceans, doi: 10.1029/2019JC015331
Continue reading Temporal and spatial scales of correlation in marine phytoplankton communities
Keisuke Inomura, Curtis Deutsch, Samuel T. Wilson, Takako Masuda, Evelyn Lawrenz, Bučinská Lenka, Roman Sobotka, Julia M. Gauglitz, Mak A. Saito, Ondřej Prášil, Michael J. Follows (2019), Quantifying Oxygen Management and Temperature and Light Dependencies of Nitrogen Fixation by Crocosphaera watsonii, mSphere, doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00531-19