Frawley T.H., D.K. Briscoe, P.C. Daniel, G.L. Britten, L.B. Crowder, C.J. Robinson, W.F. Gilly (2019), Impacts of a transition to tropical oceanic conditions on Gulf of California Jumbo Squid Dosidicus gigas, ICES Journal of Marine Science,doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsz133 Continue reading Impacts of a shift to a warm-water regime in the Gulf of California on jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas)
Category Archives: Climate Change
The Color of Climate Change
The Color of Climate Change by Eva Frederick, Karina Hinojosa, Devi Lockwood, Gina Vitale – MIT Graduate Program in Science Writing
Darwin researchers Stephanie Dutkiewicz, Jonathan Lauderdale, and Oliver Jahn talk about their work modeling the ocean to explore how ocean color may change under climate change.
Climate Change will Change the Color of the Ocean Research Says
Climate Change will Change the Color of the Ocean Researcher says
MIT Darwin Project researcher, Principal Research Scientist Stephanie Dutkiewicz, talks to WGBH’s Living Lab Radio about her recent Ocean colour signature of climate change paper in Nature Communications.
Dutkiewicz, S., A.E. Hickman, O. Jahn, E. Moneir, S. Henson, and C. Beaulieu (2019), Ocean colour signature of climate change, Nature Communications, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-08457-x

Study: Much of the surface ocean will shift in color by end of 21st century
Climate-driven changes in phytoplankton communities will intensify the blue and green regions of the world’s oceans. New work from Darwin researchers Stephanie Dutkiewicz and Oliver Jahn. Continue reading Study: Much of the surface ocean will shift in color by end of 21st century
Omta, A. W., Ferrari, R., & McGee, D. (2018), An analytical framework for the steady state impact of carbonate compensation on atmospheric CO2, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32, 720–735, doi: 10.1002/2017GB005809 Continue reading An Analytical Framework for the Steady State Impact of Carbonate Compensation on Atmospheric CO2

A More Diverse Role for Diatoms
Helen Hill | Darwin Project
A review article involving Stephanie Dutkiewicz and Oliver Jahn suggests the diatoms have more diverse roles in carbon cycling than previously understood. Continue reading A More Diverse Role for Diatoms

Phytoplankton & Chips
Helen Hill | Darwin Project
Microbes mediate the global marine cycles of elements, modulating atmospheric CO2 and helping to maintain the oxygen we all breath yet there is much about them scientists still don’t understand. Now, an award from the Simons Foundation will give researchers from the Darwin Project access to bigger, better computing resources to model these communities and probe how they work. Continue reading Phytoplankton & Chips

Rising Temperatures are Curbing Ocean’s Capacity to Store Carbon
Study from Follows Group finds large amounts of carbon dioxide, equivalent to yearly U.K. emissions, remain in surface waters. Continue reading Rising Temperatures are Curbing Ocean’s Capacity to Store Carbon

Tiny bacterium provides window into whole ecosystems
Ubiquitous marine organism has co-evolved with other microbes, promoting more complex ecosystems. Continue reading Tiny bacterium provides window into whole ecosystems

Keeping Things the Same
The elemental composition of organic matter is remarkably constant throughout the world’s oceans, but phytoplankton are known to take up nutrients and carbon in quite variable ratios depending on light and nutrient conditions.
In a paper published online in the journal Global Biogeochemical Cycles last month, Darwin Project researchers David Talmy (MIT), Christopher Hill (MIT), Anna Hickman (Univ. of Southampton, England), and Mick Follows (MIT), in a collaboration with Adam Martiny (Univ. of California, Irvine), report on their work seeking to understand what ecosystem factors could cause the elemental composition of organic matter to remain stable and relatively constant (homeostatic), even when the phytoplankton can have quite variable composition. Continue reading Keeping Things the Same