Category Archives: People


New Postdoc Jonathan Lauderdale

Jonathan Lauderdale is a physical oceanographer and ocean biogeochemical modeller “intrigued” by the mechanisms through which the ocean can alter Earth’s climate and atmospheric CO2 concentration both in the past and under future anthropogenic changes. So far his focus has been on high latitude regions, particularly the Southern Ocean. He mostly uses global coarse resolution numerical models of ocean circulation coupled to simplified biogeochemistry routines, but also exploits composite tracers to reveal how different components of carbon and nutrient cycles operate.

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At the intersection of biology and physics in the ocean

In this video, which grew out of a Plenary Lecture at the Spring 2012, American Geophysical Union, Ocean Sciences meeting in Salt Lake City ,UT, “Modeling Marine Microbes:  From Molecules to Ecosystems”, Mick talks about the past, present and future of marine ecosystem modeling. In particular he explains how his group uses numerical simulations to understand the organization of plankton populations and how advances in cell biology and microbiology might inform future models.

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